Don and Jane Shelton, a pioneering couple, were called to Lautzenhausen, Germany to pastor Hahn Baptist Church in 1983. After 11 years of gathering nations together to worship and receive the Word with outreach ministries behind the iron curtain, Africa, and establishing a Christian School, the Lord sovereignly spoke that they had completed their work and that it was time to return to the United States. With clear direction they willingly gave the ministry to the leadership of Hahn Baptist Church and returned to America.
Having returned from Germany, the Lord revealed a new work was to be established. Jordan Crossing Ministries was birthed in 1992 as an inter-denominational church with a mandate of Luke 4:18-19. God wanted a people raised up to do what he did when he walked the Earth. As scripture describes, preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, recover the vision of the blind, set the oppressed free and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Tremendous blessings came as people were set free and grew in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eight years later in the year 2000, after receiving a new Word from the Lord, Jordan Crossing Ministries was renamed and an increased vision was revealed. Kingdom Harvest Church became a reality! With fresh revelation of the Kingdom of God, the church grew and increased. A true Ekklesia, a people called out, arose and matured. Worship brought increased intimacy with the Lord, and further growth continued. The ministry purchased new land, local churches were established, and oversight of more than 190 churches in Kenya and Uganda brought powerful revelation of Kingdom truth. Deliverance ministry also continued as spiritual roots to diseases were revealed, bringing many to health and wholeness.
In October 2008, the Lord spoke a difficult but clear Word – restructure Kingdom Harvest. An apostolic call was evident, Don and Jane were to be available to the whole body of Christ. With the complete agreement of the church, Don and Jane departed as the Lord had spoken to them. They placed the land up for sale and parted ways with the now mature congregation. Now they waited, like Abraham waiting for the land that the Lord would reveal.
In June 2009 the Lord said, “I am giving you a mandate for the rest of your life, calling the remnant to take their rightful position.” This was further confirmed when the Lord said, “I have moved you from leading a church to leading a people.” With deep overwhelming revelation, they have committed the rest of their lives to this mandate. They have made themselves available to an end time people who are the called, the remnant, the many membered son whose head is Christ. To any and all who want to grow into Him in all things, they are committed. Their dream is to equip a people who will extend the rule and image of heaven on Earth for His Glory.
Forward to today they lead several house church groups in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area; each uniquely named. The groups are the House of Fire, the House of Miracles, and the House of Power.
Don and Jane reside in Keller, Texas. Together they have three children and six grandchildren.